FastFood Champion is a competition to find the best Fastfood expert in Finland. In this competition, the contestants prepare three portions, one burger, one hotdog and one optional fast food portion. At least one of the portions must be vegetarian.

The competition is intended for persons who permanently live in Finland and work in the field, are students in the field, or work as chefs or master chefs. The competition provides an opportunity to promote one’s professional skills and career.



The application time for the competition is from 27.12.2022 to 23.2.2023.

The organisers of the competition will select 12 participants for live qualifying based on the submitted recipes and photos. Eight contestants will compete in semi-finals and four contestants will make it to the final competition.

The live competition will take place at the FFCR event on 22nd and 23rd March 2023 at Mesukeskus Fair Center Helsinki.

The winner will be crowned by the competition jury on March 23rd, 2023.


Please check out the terms and conditions. Send an e-mail with your recipe and a picture of the portion of your choice, as well as your name and contact information. Write your recipe so precisely and clearly that anyone could use it to prepare your dish. Take a photo of your portion.

Send your recipe and contact information by e-mail no later than 23rd February 2023 to

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